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The Lord Baden-Powell Award
For Scouting Excellence
On The World-Wide-Web
So, WHAT is this all about?

If you've spent any time at all on the World-Wide-Web, you've seen Websites garnished with awards, ratings, and other 'Icons-Of-Distinction.' Many of these are granted to anyone who e-mails the 'Grantor.' Some Websites, in fact, amass these icons in a manner similar to the way our younger members (sometimes) cover their uniforms with badges not associated with achievement. As Scouts and Guides, though, we know the meaning, and value, of an award. It is something that is achieved through hard work, and worn with pride.

What makes this particular Website award unique is that it is granted TO Scouting / Guiding Webmasters, BY Scouting / Guiding Webmasters. The grantor's of the Award are a Team of individuals who operate some of the BEST Scout / Guide sites in the World. They receive nominations that are submitted from this Website, and personally evaluate each Website based on the posted Award criteria.. If their accumulated scores warrant it, Awards are subsequently granted to the nominated Webmasters.

Awards are granted for Excellence in the two functional catagories of 'International Service' or 'Quality Organizational Presence.' We should note that not all Websites are awarded, but, we would hope that sites not receiving the desired award would re-nominate after improving their sites.

Our goal is to proliferate International service, brother(sister)hood, and technical excellence within our organizations presence on the World-Wide-Web. What we ask is that Award recipients display (at their option, it is not mandatory) the Award's graphic image on their site with a link back to the Award Nomination Site at:


See how the Webmaster and other Scouters that make this website work, Here.



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