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The Lord Baden-Powell Award
For Scouting Excellence
On The World-Wide-Web
The Website's "Past Evaluation Team Members"
& Charter Four Fleur Award Recipients
Thanks to you for your help.

===Scouting Nederland - "Scouting Nederland" is the national Scouting organization in the Netherlands. Webmaster David Jansen is the prime force behind this site as well as The InterNETional Scouting Pages. Scouting Nederland is a co-ed organization, but individual troops may choose to be boys-only or girls only. Usually, a Scouting group consists of an unit for every age group, and so the cubs advance to the scouts troop of the same group. More information about the way Scouting Nederland is organized is available as well. Through the end of 2002, Thanks for your help.

Troop 214, Liberty Missouri, USATroop 214, Liberty Missouri, USA - This website is designed to provide an alternate medium of communication to the troop members of Troop 214 in Liberty Missouri. It also contains pages that honor the boys in the troop. This troop has had over 85 boys earn the rank of Eagle Scout since 1939. Webmaster Jim Shilt started scouting in 1975 in Ramstein Germany. He has been "on the web" since 1984 and has collaborated on sites for church youth groups as well as the troop site. As an adult Jim has served as a Den Leader, Committee Chairman and OA Chapter advisor and completed Wood Badge training in August 2000. Through the end of 2002, Thanks for your help.

Pine Tree Web The Pine Tree Web Webmaster Lew Orans writes: "The focus of the Pine Tree Web is on my particular interests in Scouting. These include: the life and career Sir Robert Baden-Powell, the founder of the World Scout Movement; materials on leadership development, including both Wood Badge and Junior Leader training; the heritage, history and traditions of Scouting; and, World Scouting, with a particular emphasis on Scouting in Eastern Europe and Russia. The Pine Tree Web hosts the home page of NORS (National Organization of Russian Scouts-Australia) and a home page for the Yugoslav Scout Association. The site has grown to over 1200 pages and receives about 600-700 visits a day world-wide. The home-page is translated into German, Spanish and Portuguese (with plans for French and Italian home pages in the works). There is a Russian Mirror Site - to assist brother and sister Scouts and Guides in Russia, parts of Asia and Europe more efficient access to the sites content." - Through the end of 2002, Thanks for your help.



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