Embossed Bar  
The Lord Baden-Powell Award
For Scouting Excellence
On The World-Wide-Web
"So, what is the status of my nomination?"  

Let me take time to explain a few things about this award site.

YES - The Baden Powell Award Site is Still operating! Even if you don't see anything being done, things are happening.

Please understand that we operate this award site as our time permits. We do not get "Paid" to run this site.

It's hard to take time out of our busy lives to sit down for hours to review all the sites, that are submitted. We volunteer our time to do this work, for all of you.

We don't have the time to respond to everyone about the problems with their site, Church, Family, Work and Scouting adventures take most of our time.

Please, take time to review "Does My Site Qualify" and "The Award Levels" pages to get ideas to improve your site, prior to submitting it.

About 95% of the sites submitted do not Even Quality for The Honorable Mention Award.

Most of the sites submitted, do not have a working email address, have the wrong URL address listed, they have only one or two pages, words "Under Construction" on their site, Bad Links, Missing Graphics, or "they are not even there any more" (because they stopped paying for their website). We ask that your website should be operational for at least a year!

Please understand that making multiple submissions for your site, will not get your site checked any faster. If we see a number of submissions for the same site, the chances are that they will all be deleted and not even be checked.

If you make a mistake on your submission, please use the email link to tell me the problem, I will correct it for you. But understand it will take time for me to correct it, because I don't check my emails or the website everyday. (I Usually check them about once a month.)

The evaluators and I work when we get time, I don't pressure them to check sites and I don't update the site until I have a number of sites to be listed.

We are looking for a few good Scouters to help. You must be a registered adult scouter, have a website submitted through our award site, be able to be contacted through that website (to verify your scouting connection) and be willing to take time to help with the operation of this Award site.

If your interested, please contact me through the contact page. After I veify your scouting connection, you may be allowed to try out for an evaluator position.

Latest Updates for Our Award Site.

We are looking for "... A Few Good Scouts and Guides to help."

Status: December 14th. 2007
We have updated the past years pages. If you see your site listed, please use the email link to tell me your current email address, so I can send you the code and graphic for your site.

Status: June 24th. 2007
Due to Security Upgrade Ussues on the servers we've been using the programs we used to do evaluations stopped working. I'm currently setting up new programs for evaluators to use and do evaluations with. I'll be notifing the evaluators where the new program locations very soon.

Status: April 5th. 2007
I have been asked if we're still running the site and why their site is not added. Well, not all sites are added, because hey don't meet the Minimum Award Level Requirements. I don't notify everyone about the statis of their award, I don't have the time to email everyone about problems with their site. We are currently checking sites that are submitted. Those that qualify will be added to our awards pages and notified.

Status: Dec 12th. 2006
We have checked a number of sites that have just disappeared. We're tring to check all of them that are submitted, but if they are gone, we can't check them out.

Status: May 1st. 2006
I have cleared the nomination guestbook today, so we can start over. The sites that were submitted will be evaluated and those that qualify will be added to our awards pages.

Status: July 17th. 2005
I have cleared the nomination guestbook today, so we can start over. The sites that were submitted will be evaluated and those that qualify will be added to our awards pages.

Status: June 27th. 2005
May I suggest that your website be listed on a free server (like geocities.com) so the site will remain avaliable even when you change internet providers. So many of the sites we review are sites that are on (for example) AOL.COM. When you go from aol to another internet provider, (for example) Yahoo.com, your site on AOL.COM does not continue to exhist, because you are not paying AOL to keep your site up and avaliable anymore. If you buy your own domain name then your site will continue to be seen, as long as you pay your provider their website and domain charges. Does that make sense ?

Status: May 15th. 2005
Because of the many sites that are comming and going on the internet, it is difficult to keep up with them. About the time that we check and evaluate them they disappear from the internet.

Status: November 28. 2004
We're still running the site. Our evaluators are busy but the evaluations are slow, because of the large back log of sites to be checked.

Status: August 30th. 2003
We Really need some "Multi-lingual" Site Evaluators, if you would be interested, please send us a note :
, and Tell me what you can speak, you must be able to use English to work with the webmaster.

Status: May 21st. 2003
We can still use some multi-lingual site evaluators, if you would be interested, please send us a note :
, your help would be appriciated.

Status: May 1st. 2003
I've recieved a lot of emails asking about the status of your award, and how your site was evulated. Please understand, we don't advise you about your evulations. If you recieve an award, you will be notified, if you don't recieve an award, nothing will be sent.
Hint: If you site is Under Construction, - you will not recieve an award.
Hint - Hint: Check out Does My Site Qualify? for info about site Qualifications.

Status: April 7th. 2003
Well the site evaluators have been working very hard and we're about to announce the new award recipitants. We have begun updating the pages and emails will be sent out to all new award site members.

Status: Jan 15th. 2003
We've found some good site evaluators and they are currently checking all the site submissions.

Status: Nov 17th. 2002
We're still looking for more help to check sites for awards. We have recieved some offers to help, but we still need more help.

Status: May 5th. 2002
The site is still operational, but we need some help to check the sites being submitted. With so many site being submitted, there is a gigantic back log of sites to be checked. If you would like to help check sites, please let me know and I'll reply to your email. To be a volunter for this site, you must be a webmaster of a scouting site, and be actively operating it on the internet. that's it. Please go to the home page and use the link there to contact the webmaster.

Status: October 13. 2001
When this Project was originally initiated, we we did not forsee the current popularity. But, Scouts and Guides love awards and recognition! And, with over 15,000 Scout Web-sites in existence today, the demand for this Award is massive! So, to address our growing backlog, and position this Award for the future, we are in the process of recruiting new "Four Fleur" webmasters for our Evaluation and Website Team. If you are an experienced Scout(er) that currently holds a Three Fleur or Quality Organization site award, and you can dedicate a few hours per month to this Project, send us a note :

Status: October 12. 2001
We're still here and checking sites, too. We've been swamped with the number of sites being submitted. The process is slow, but worth the wait. As the webmaster, I don't check any sites. Only the evaluators, check sites and rate them. If you are awarded an award, you will be notified, at the email address you provide. If your site url or email changes, it is your responsibility to notify us, so we can update your site's link. Thanks for submitting your site for an award, good luck.

Status: September 10. 2001
I recieved some emails about why we're still showing the 1998 award graphic on the site's pages. Well, I was notified that some unamed sites, had copied our current graphic, had it displayed on their site, as if the had recieved that award. I had some trouble getting them to remove our award from their site, but as requested, they finally removed the same from their site. I made the decision to keep the 1998 graphic, and email those site awarded, with the proper links to get the latest graphis for their site.

Status: Feburary 15. 2001
Well as you can see, the site evaluators, are getting caught up. We have less that 30 sites in the evaluation process at this time.
I recieved some emails, with questions about their site's award statis. Please understand, we will contact you, if your site has won an award. If it has not, nothing will happen.

If you have not recieved an award, and you are really interested in obtaining an award, review the page, "Does my site Qualify". You will find the requirements, for all the different awards there. If you didn't recieve an award, it's because you have not met the minimum requirements, listed there.

Please, don't ask anything about how your site was evaluated, I can't tell you anything about it. It's one of our rules.

Good Scouting to your and yours.

Status: January 26. 2001
We've been looking at the number of sites that have been submitted, during the past two years, and with over Two Thousand submissions we could never check all of them, let alone keep current with all the new submissions.

Most of the sites we did check, were not there anymore. So the decision was made that we're not checking anymore of them. We cleared the guestbook of all the sites, and we're starting over.

If you submitted your site, before January 1st. 2001, and you wish to have it evaluated, please resubmit it again, thanks.

Status: January 4. 2001
Good News, We're up and running at full speed. With six evulators working, we're tring to get caught up on the past Four Months of site submissions. If you have submitted your site before this, please re-submit your site again. The guestbook we were using has had some problems, and we can't check sites submitted prior to that.
Congradulations to the New Evalators and the new Sites that have been approved. During the next few weeks, Those sites will be added to the pages of the award site.
New Graphics have been made, to show the year that your site was submitted and approved. If you submitted your site in 2000, and it is approved, you will recieve a 2000 year award.
Any new sites that are submitted from today forward will recieve the 2001 Year award. When your site is approved, I will send you an email telling you how to obtain the code and approiate graphic.

Status: December 22rd.2000
Good News, after many delays, of tring to get the old guestbooks we use to work, I finally gave up and made new ones. The site is operation again, and I've been updating most of the site's pages to reflect the current changes taking place. Take a look around, to see the changes taking place.

Do you need a status on your nomination?
I've had a few inquires about site evaluations, and all I can say is we're currently checking all of the sites that have been submitted. If you site is choosen for an award, you will be contacted, with the information for the award you are to recieve. Please don't email all of us, we'll be working as fast as we can, thanks.

Status: November 16, 2000
Before the end of the month, I hope to have the evaluation team going again. Thanks for your patience with me during this period of time. I've been busy putting the team togather and getting used to how everything works.

Status: October 1, 2000
As of this date, we have a backlog of 342 Web-site nominations. We average 5 to 10 new nomination submissions per day. With our Team of 4 volunteers, we can not maintain a quality award program if we move any faster than our current rate. If you do the math, you can see our predicament.



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